Our Services
Reidy Brophy assists organisations with the development of their contingency plans, from basic emergency management procedures to more complex crisis management and business continuity plans. However, plans alone are no guarantee of an effective response. Only teams and individuals that are competent to implement the plans will ensure an effective, timely and coordinated response. This is what we train people to do, through progressive exercising.
Reidy Brophy design and deliver all levels of exercises from multi-agency, multi-team full simulation exercises to smaller single team table top and orientation exercises. We specialise in the design and delivery of customised training exercises in Crisis Management, Emergency Response and Business Continuity. Exercises can be conducted at different levels:
Orientation exercise
These are conducted with individuals or teams who have just developed or rewritten their plans or are new members of the Crisis/Emergency Management or BC Team. These exercises are facilitator led and are conducted in a manner that allows the participants to ‘ease in’ to their role as a member of the Team.
Desk Top Exercise
These exercises are more focussed and faster moving, and are designed to exercise team members in implementing their plans and fulfilling their specified roles in a Crisis or Major Emergency. These can be short (up to two hours) or full-day exercises, and may involve examining a crisis over a period of days, or even weeks. All discussion is kept in-house and there is no contact with external agencies (although we often facilitate the participation of external agencies as ‘area experts’ during these).
Fully Simulated, or ‘Live’ Exercise
These are more complex exercises, usually designed and conducted for teams who have developed their competencies in Crisis and/or Emergency Management over time. Participants are required to deal directly with key stakeholders via telephone calls, press releases, live media interviews, e-mail and social media. Role players are used to represent different individuals, agencies and organisations, and are supervised in delivering scripted messages to the team on a prescribed timescale. Exercises of this nature are great opportunities for team building at senior and middle management levels, and are designed to meet clearly defined and agreed training objectives.
Pre-mortem Exercise
Pre-mortem is a term used in management to describe a technique used in decision making. Instead of asking the team to imagine things that might go wrong and how likely a particular scenario might be, team members are asked to imagine that things already have gone badly wrong and to then imagine the events that led to that disaster. This brings a different perspective to the exercise, and is a useful exercise technique to ensure management do not become over-confident where plans are well developed and the team is well exercised.
Training Workshops
Customised training workshops, usually lasting up to a half-day (maximum), are an excellent means of introducing a new or an updated plan to the team of people who are expected to implement the plan, including the support and administrative staff with key roles during an incident/crisis.
Workshops can familiarise people with the characteristics of crises and major emergencies, and carefully selected case studies can mean we learn from mistakes made by others in previous incidents. Training workshops can be combined with orientation exercises, meaning that training is not just academic but gives participants a practical feel for how the plan should be activated and implemented in adverse circumstances.
Emergency Management
We offer the following services in Emergency Management:
- Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
- Preparation of site specific Emergency Plans.
- Emergency Plan audits.
- Emergency Management Training and Exercises.
- Emergency Response Training for First Responders (Fire Crews, First Aid).
- Expert Emergency Planning Guidance.
- Inter-Agency exercises
- After Action Reviews
We also have an in-depth working knowledge of the Seveso/COMAH regulations and offer customised emergency management services to Seveso/COMAH establishments.
Crisis Management
- Hazard Identification and Risk assessment.
- Development of Crisis Management plans.
- Crisis Management Workshops.
- Crisis Management Team exercises.
- Media Skills Training.
- Expert advice in a time of crisis.
- Family Liaison Training.
Business Continuity Management
We offer the following services in Business Continuity Management:
- Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment.
- Development of Business Continuity Plans.
- Business Continuity Training and Exercises.
Reidy Brophy operates to best practice as outlined in ISO 22301 and BCI good practice guidelines (2018).